Monday, 29 October 2012

A Sincere Plea For Peace

I know I'm drifting off the main purpose of this blog but I feel the need to share this with you. They say charity begins at home. Let's learn to love ourselves and love people around us. Let love be in our hearts and not hate. Let's learn to live at peace with others and pray for the peace of Nigeria and her leaders. Please continue...

The alarm goes off at 7am and the man wakes up first to turn it off. He feels too tired to get out of bed but it's a Sunday and as usual he has to prepare for church. He wakes his wife and two children up to get ready for church. They gather together as usual to say their morning prayer. It's 7:20am and they quickly go to freshen up and get ready. At 8am everyone's ready and gathered at the dining table for breakfast. At 8:30am everyone's out of the house walking to church as they live close by. They're excited about going to worship God and also looking forward to meeting friends and family perhaps. They've just stepped into the church premises when they hear a loud explosion. It was so loud the ground shook, the noise traveled far and near. There was no time to fear for death, or look for his wife and children. There was no time to bring out the smart phone to record “another tragedy”. No time to call friends and family to inform them of another “bombing”. He was dead. He died instantly. He was the one to be filmed and shared on youTube and BB. There is chaos everywhere. Bodies of dead Christians lying about. Bodies of Muslims litter the ground. The ground is red with fresh blood.  Fathers, mothers and children running to safety. Jumping over dead friends, dead relatives, running for dear lives. Running with injuries they're not even aware of, yet. Injuries they may survive or die from. We'll get updated on the figures later. It becomes a case of “another bombing”. People don't fret at the number of casualties anymore. The more they hear such news, the more they get used to it or not. It's almost as if they've accepted it as a way of life, at least since their loved ones are not involved. 
This barbaric, spineless and gruesome behaviour doesn't stop in one state. It cuts across the whole country. In some states it's with explosives, in others it's with guns, others with matchets, others with bare cold hands, others with fuel and fire, kidnapping if you're 'lucky'.

We are already in a civil war, however subtle. Nobody feels safe anymore. At least in my 29 years of existence, this is the worst it's been.
Everyday we cringe at the state of our country, we cry, we feel hopeless and helpless, praying for change. Everyday the Government promises to put an end to the gross insecurity of our country Nigeria.
We live to pray everyday, we live to hope for a better Nigeria, we live to fight for change, we live to see injustice exposed, we pray mothers don't bury their young ones, we pray life is lived to the fullest as God has planned for each man. 
We pray for our leaders. We ask that God will give them the power, strength, wisdom, grace, courage and a heart of flesh to rule us. May we put an end to this war. May those behind all this have a change of heart. May they understand that they do not own any life. Let the war stop, let it stop. Peace upon Nigeria.


  1. The senseless killing in the Northern part of Nigeria will stop the only the Northern Leaders sit to agree to put a stop to the barbaric act.
    Uba Atuanya
